Sunday, March 14, 2010

My Husband

I absolutely adore my husband. I think he is such a beautiful person inside and out. He is my best friend, and my favorite thing to do is just to hang out with him. I just can't tell you how much I love this man that God has blessed me with as my husband. I'm just sitting here looking at my husband, and he's just so gorgeous. I love watching him laugh and hearing him laugh, and right now we are watching Psych (our new favorite tv show), so he's laughing alot. I also love it when he makes me laugh, which he does quite often. He's so funny and so much fun to be around. My life is rarely ever boring with Eric as my husband. He's also so amazing with kids. I know he's going to make a great dad some day. I think we are an absolutely perfect match. God knew exactly what He was doing when He put us together.

This June we will celebrate 4 years of marriage together, and each day has just gotten better. Of course we've had hard times. We spent our first year of marriage living in a 26 foot long FEMA trailer camper in New Orleans, and that definitely wasn't always easy. I wouldn't trade the way we spent our first year of marriage together for anything though. We were so far away from our families that we had to learn to depend on God and each other. We grew so close, and it gave us such a great foundation for our marriage. Since then we've lost loved ones who were very dear to us together, gone through Eric losing his job, me being laid off from my job, and the most devastating thing either one of us have ever experienced-a miscarriage back in October. I still have days where I feel like pain will overwhelm me, but God is so good and so faithful. God has come along side us. He's felt worse pain than either of us have ever felt, and He knows what we are going through. I am so blessed that God gave me a husband like Eric to support me, take care of me, and love me. I couldn't ask for a better husband.

Now I'm going to rant a little bit. Divorce will never be an option for Eric and me. We've talked about this numerous times. We love each other unconditionally, but there are days when we really don't like each other, and I know we will have more like that in our future. We know that God intends marriage to be for life, but our society makes it too easy to get out of marriage. It makes me sad to see how normal divorce has become. Divorce is not God's design.

I look at Hosea and Gomer. Gomer kept leaving Hosea and prostituting herself out to other men. She was so unfaithful to Hosea, yet he still loved her unconditionally. He kept taking her back, and I think if that marriage can last, then almost any marriage can last. It's symbolic of our relationship with Jesus Christ, and we keep cheating on Him, but He keeps taking us back because of how much He loves us. If we could just keep our eyes on Jesus, and keep Him the center of our lives and the center of our marriages, then our marriages could make it through anything. Our marriages should represent our relationship with Jesus, and I want to represent Jesus well. Let's pray for each other and all of our marriages. Our churches and communities and our children really need strong, Godly marriages.

(The photo is of Eric and Jaidyn, a little boy that we adore)


Cuentista said...

Very sweet post, Mandy. In the midst of many of my close friends contemplating divorce, it encourages me to know that I am not the only one praying for their marriages. Thank you for reminding me that God redeems all things if we will only let Him.

Speaking of Hosea -- have you read Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers? If not, you would LOVE it. Wonderful metaphor for the book of Hosea, awesome book, awesome look at marriage!

Finally, I mourn your miscarriage with you, but I have absolutely NO doubt that God is going to make you and Eric wonderful parents at exactly the right time.

Mandy Keel Photography said...

Lindsey...thanks for your comments. I haven't read Redeeming Love, but my mom and sister and many friends have, and I've been told I need to read it. I'm gonna have to get a copy from my mom.

I also have friends going through divorces right now, and it really devastates me. I've mourned over their broken marriages, and I pray that God can somehow restore and heal those relationships. He's a big God, and I know He can do it. :)