Sunday, March 28, 2010

Newborn Session Props

So yesterday I set out on a mission to find some cute things to use for newborn portraits. I was looking for baskets, plates, bowls, etc. I went to several different places, and I was able to find some very cute things. I'm thinking I want to go to some antique stores to find some more stuff. Anyway, I wanted to share a few pictures of some of the things I found.

This first picture is my absolute favorite find. I can just imagine a newborn swaddled up in a blanket, or in a little cocoon fast asleep on this. I can't wait to use it. This was a great steal from Ross (I love that store!).

Next, I found a really cute basket/bowl. I think this one will be really cute with a blanket in it and babies laying on the blanket wearing just their birthday suits or a diaper.

This last one is actually just a placemat, but a thick one. It's like a woven wicker material, and I imagine having babies in little cocoons or something like that laying curled up on this. 

So, I'm pretty excited to try these things out. What do you think of them? I also have a friend of a friend making me some baby blankets, baby caps, cocoons, etc. Anyway, I have a newborn session coming up very soon, hopefully the first week or two of April. I'll be sure to post photos of how these worked out once Kelsey's little baby boy gets here!

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