Thursday, April 1, 2010

Perfect Day

So today has been one of those absolutely perfect days that I've had all to myself. I love spending time with my husband, that's actually my favorite way to spend my time, but there are days when it is nice to just be by myself. Today has been one of those incredible days. God has just blessed me beyond measure today.

Let me share with you why today has been so wonderful. First off, the weather is just perfect. It is eighty degrees outside, and there is a nice breeze blowing. I started off my day with a run down in Lake Lure. It felt so great to breathe in the warm air this morning and to soak in the glorious sunshine. I was able to take a few pictures of some flowers down in Lake Lure after my run today as well. I'm not sure what type of tree this is, but here's the type of flower that blooms on it:

I also really loved this flower on the same tree. The light was coming through it very nicely causing it to glow in the center. It was pretty cool.

After I was done in Lake Lure, I went and grabbed myself a frozen coffee from the new coffee shop in Chimney Rock. I decided not to do my devotions there like I had originally intended b/c there were too many distractions. Instead, I came home. I proceeded to take all my things outside. I grabbed up a couple of blankets, a cushion, and my dog. We all went outside and set up underneath a shade tree in the front yard. Did I mention how amazing the weather is today? While I started on my devotions, Killer sat under the tree and watched the cows and donkeys across the road.

Anyway, I opened up "My Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers. I love him, the way he speaks is just so beautiful, and the messages He conveys are straight from the Lord. I actually ended up reading a couple of the devotionals from this book today, and they really blessed my heart.

When I finished with those devotions, I opened up God's Holy Word. I love the Bible. It amazes me that the God of the universe, the same God who made all the stars and knows them by name, who made everything from galaxies down to caterpillars (which I had a couple crawl on me today), also chose to reveal Himself to us through His Holy word. It's hard to grasp. Anyway, I have been reading through the Psalms recently. Today I read Psalms 84-86. You should take some time to read them. All three are so beautiful. Psalm 86 really spoke to my heart today though. It is my prayer today. God is so gracious and so faithful and so merciful and so loving. He has just been overwhelming me with His goodness and His joy the last couple of days, and I am so thankful for that b/c I'd been in a little bit of a funk since Eric and I lost our baby.

I just can't tell you how much better than amazing my God is. I am just so grateful that He has chose me as His child, and that He loves me and is so patient with me as I grow in Him. So today, has been such a wonderfully perfect day, and it's not over yet!

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