Monday, January 9, 2012

One Thousand Gifts: Day 1, January 9, 2012

So I'm reading a book called One Thousand Gifts right now, and it is rocking my world. I'm trying to learn to be joyful in all things, so I'm going to take the Joy Dare. I'm starting a little late for the year, but that's okay. Everyday, I'm to write down or take photos of 3 things that bring me joy, that I'm thankful for. Today the three things are: a gift in your hand, a gift you walked by, a gift you sat with.

1. A gift in my hand: our new puppy, Nola. She is a boxer/lab mix. She's so sweet and funny. She makes me laugh, and I love cuddling her in my two hands and holding her. Her puppy kisses are so sweet.

2. A gift I walked by: Tonight I was walking Nola, and the clouds from today's rain were beginning to part. The moon was shining so bright, and it began to illuminate the trees, fog, and mountains. I was able to walk by such a beautiful view and thank God that He blesses me with the eyesight to see such beautiful things. Here was a little bit of my view tonight.

3. A gift I sat with: My husband. This morning, well more like afternoon, my husband and I went on a date. We just went to Waffle House, but we were able to sit next to each other and talk and just enjoy a meal together. I adore my husband, and I love it when we have time together like this.

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