Saturday, January 21, 2012

One Thousand Gifts: Day 13, January 21, 2012

Today my gifts to look for were: one gift in the sky, one thing from your memory, one thing that's ugly-beautiful.

One gift in the sky: the sun and blue skies that came out at the end of the day. It was so rainy alllll day, but right around sunset the sun came out. It was beautiful. I think my favorite part though was on our drive home from a birthday party. I took a picture using the side mirrors on our car. Here is the picture:

The reason I love it so much is because you see the sun shining and the words "Objects in mirror are closer than they appear." That made me think of the Son of God, Jesus because He is closer than He appears quite often. It was a nice little unexpected blessing today.

One thing from my memory: This one I've struggled with today. There are so many thoughts racing through my brain all the time. It's hard to piece something together into one cohesive memory. I guess the memory I'm most thankful for today is the memory of my wedding day. It's one of the sweetest memories I have. My husband and I didn't kiss each other until that day, so after 3 years, 8 months, and 6 days of dating, we finally shared our first kiss in front of God and all of our friends and family. The innocence of our wedding day/night always brings me joy. It always causes me to smile a little and sometimes even laugh. Thankful that God gave Eric and I the grace to stay pure for each other.

One thing that's ugly-beautiful: I can't take a picture of this one, but I would have to say my scars. One of my scars in particular. I have a massive scar that goes from hip bone to hip bone. It's been a part of me since I was 4 years old. Not many people have ever seen it because it's in a place that not many people can see, and for that I am thankful. I don't like it. I think it's ugly, but it's also beautiful because it reminds me of how God has spared my life. I had a kidney/bladder condition that I was born with that required surgery when I was 4. I am thankful for the surgery because it saved my kidneys thus saving my life. My husband is the only man other than doctors and my dad that have seen this scar. It's one of those things I was self-conscious about on the wedding night. :) Who knows what I was worried about because I have an adoring husband. He loves me and thinks I'm the most beautiful woman in the world even with this huge scar. So my ugly-beautiful that I'm thankful for today has to be my scar. Not many people have a reminder like that every day showing them just how fragile life can be and how thankful I should be that I'm alive.

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