Tuesday, January 17, 2012

One Thousand Gifts: Day 8 & 9, January 17, 2012

So, I didn't get to blog yesterday. My kiddo was out of school for MLK Jr. Day, so we spent the whole day with him. Yesterday I was to write about 3 ways I witnessed happiness. So here is day 8:

I witnessed happiness in myself being able to sleep in. Oh my, how nice that is. I loved sleeping til 9:30am, then getting up and having some quiet time and my kid still being asleep. I definitely woke up a happy girl.

The second way I witnessed happiness was when I told my kiddo that we could go to Waffle House for breakfast if he'd get dressed really fast and brush his teeth. He was so excited! It was great getting to go as a family. He ate a chocolate chip waffle and bacon. He was so content, and he just talked away to the waitresses as long as they'd listen. That's my boy.

The third way I witnessed happiness was in a power outage at our house. We lost power for 2 hours from about 5:30pm-7:30pm. It caused us to slow down, and it was really nice. We lit candles and just sat around as a family. It's nice to have moments like that sometimes.

So today, is my day 9. Today my gifts are: one gift that made me laugh, one gift that made me pray, and one gift that made me quiet.

One gift that made me laugh: My husband...hehe..I laugh just thinking about this. Today I wore red lipstick, and I mean red! My husband doesn't mind it, but he doesn't like for me to kiss him when I'm wearing it. I tried to sneak in kisses on his cheek all day, but he was always able to stop me. We basically wrestled, and he finally let me give him one peck on the lips. He looked so pretty with red lips...hehehe.

One gift that made me pray: Oh my kiddo. Yesterday we had such a wonderful day, and he was just so good. Then today he was back to school and we had about 3 tantrums today. I did a devotion this morning about the Holy Spirit and listening to his leading in my life, so during my kiddo's second tantrum today, I really prayed. I prayed for the Holy Spirit to give me wisdom on how to deal with my kiddo, and He did. I was able to be empathetic, and I got my kiddo in a warm bath and he was able to cool it down. It was one of those moments where I felt like maybe I do know something about being a mom.

One gift that made me silent: Quiet time. This is my time when I read the Bible and write out my prayers. It's always my favorite time of the day. It's such a precious gift from God, and I'm so thankful for it.

Well, I'm caught up now. Thanks for taking the time to check in! Feel free to leave comments and tell me what you were/are thankful for today.

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