Wednesday, January 11, 2012

One Thousand Gifts: Day 3, January 11, 2012

Today is 3 yellow things that strike you as fresh mercy.

1. Ripe bananas. This were just perfect for the banana bread I wanted to make today. Thankful these were just right, and the banana bread turned out so delicious.

2. The coupon on the top of my coffee. My coffee that I love is expensive, so this is definitely a fresh mercy to have a coupon to save money on it. I know it seems trivial, but I'm thankful to save money on one of my luxuries.

3. My Granny Jo's coffee cup filled with hot peppermint mocha coffee. My Granny Jo passed away so very unexpectedly back in July, and I was given this cup of hers after she passed. Everytime I drink from this cup I think of her. She was one of the godliest women I've known. I think the memories we have of loved ones are such mercies. This cup describes my Granny Jo, "serving with a heart like Jesus." She was always willing to help anyone in need, and everyone could call her Granny Jo even if they weren't a biological part of our family. So thankful I have this fresh mercy to remember her by.

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